Sliding scale rates are available in order to make these treatments affordable to individuals of all incomes. Please ask if you are in need of such.
Payment by cash, check, or Paypal is accepted.
If you would like to arrange for a workshop in your area, please inquire.
NRT, Miracle Ball Method, Jin Shin Jyutsu
Private Sessions (60 minutes) - $55 in my Fairfield clinic. Local home visits within Jefferson County are also possible when my schedule allows for an additional $10.
Group Instruction - fees will depend upon location and number of students.
Private sessions (30 minutes) - $35
Group Instruction (Breema and Self-Breema) - fees will depend upon location and number of students.
Inner Relationship Focusing
Private sessions (60 minutes) in person or by phone, Skype, Zoom, or Facetime - $55
Instruction in person or by Zoom (Levels 1-3) by arrangement
Tong Ren Therapy
Private sessions (30 minutes) in person or by phone, Skype, Zoom, or Facetime - $35
(60 minutes) in person or by phone, Zoom, Skype, Facetime - $55
Instruction - individual or group - by arrangement