"We are tense because we're not here, not in the body. We are not present. That's the root of tension.
Breema shows you how to become present."
—Jon Schreiber, Waking Up to This Moment: The Essential Meaning of BREEMA
Breema® Bodywork
Most people first encounter Breema through an experience of its exquisitely delicious and graceful bodywork. Characterized by a profoundly nurturing and non-judgmental touch, Breema bodywork is practised with the recipient fully clothed on a padded floor. Each session is a harmonious choreography drawn from the vast repetoire of Breema sequences including mindful holds, gentle stretches, gradual leaning, rhythmic brushing and playful tapping.
Breema works with the body not only as matter and energy, it also relates to it as Consciousness and Awareness. Thus, inherent in every Breema session is the practitioner's attention to embody a set of holistic and practical principles known as Breema's Nine Principles of Harmony. It is the use of these Breema Priniciples (see below) which makes the bodywork uniquely Breema and distinguishes it from all other methods, even those with an an appearance of similar-looking movements.
Why Breema Is Needed
Breema can relax us, but that's not its prinicipal aim. Breema decrystallizes the body, mind, and feelings of habitual and conditioned ways of moving, thinking and feeling. As the body is decrystallized, it becomes capable of having new movements and postures. A person's relationship to the life force changes. As the mind is decrystallized, it becomes more receptive. Mind, feelings and body develop a new relationship and begin to function more cooperatively. The energy which is usually consumed by the conflict between the conditioned mind and feelings becomes available and we experience feeling simultaneously more relaxed and more vitalized.
The Nine Principles of Harmony
While Breema bodywork offers a particularly rich opportunity for a profound taste being Present, the principles themselves are universal. So they can be applied quite effectively to other techniques and methods of bodywork, health improvement methods, health maintenance routines and, in fact, to any activity in life. For example, I incorporate the Nine Principles in teaching and practicing all the methods used in my healing practice whether I am working on myself or working with another. I consistently find that doing so brings more understanding and depth of results, and creates better mind/body connection.
The Nine Principles are:
Body Comfortable • Firmness and Gentleness • No Judgment
Mutual Support/Mutual Benefit • Single Moment/Single Activity
Full Participation • No Extra • No Hurry/No Pause • No Force
You can begin in your own way to explore how they work to bring more presence into life by first selecting one that particularly resonates with you in the moment.
Second, choose a simple activity you know well from your daily life: brushing your teeth, doing the dishes, practicing a favorite yoga posture, for instance.
Third, take a few moments to experience yourself doing this activity in the way you normally do it. Really notice how that is for you.
Finally apply the principle you have chosen by doing the activity as an embodyment of that principle to the best of your ability. And notice what changes as a result.
Experiencing & Learning Breema
I offer both Breema Bodywork sessions and workshops as well as instruction in Self-Breema® exercises (Self-Breema exercises are Breema sequences one does on one's self) in Jefferson County, Iowa. I am also happy to travel to teach classes in other areas by arrangement.
Workshops and Intensives are held regularly at The Breema Center in Oakland, California. These offer the opportunity for extended study with the world's most experienced Breema instructors and are especially rejuvenating and transformative.
The Breema Center website (www.breema.com) also lists the contact information for certified practitioners and instructors around the world to help you find classes or schedule sessions with someone in your area.
Breema and Self-Breema are servicemarks of The Breema Center